As we continue in our "Holistic Stewardship: Doing well with all that's in our Care" series this weekend, we'll look at "others" and "strangers" and our responsible opportunity of taking care of the people in the world. For our North Street community, this naturally flows into our Compassionate Ministry Center, Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore. This Sunday we will consider again homelessness and our opportunity of compassion and service through this ministry.
It all begins during the Sunday School hour during which we will watch a video on homelessness from the perspective of children: "What's it like for a kid to live in shelter?" All (children & adults) will be together for Sunday School (in the sanctuary).
Then during our gathering of worship, we'll be challenged by Pastor Jeremy about taking care of "others" as well as hearing from the FHSS staff about the ministry. Come find out about how North Street can be better involved in this great ministry!
Men's Breakfast Fellowship
Tomorrow, Saturday (1/31), the men will meet together for breakfast and fellowship in the Newell Gathering Room at 8:30 AM.
Book Club
"The Finer Things" Book Club's next meeting has been moved to Friday, February 6th at the home of the DiSantes. The club will be discussing The Year of Living Biblically.
HHRLA Hot Topics: Terrorism
On Sunday evening, February 8th, Pastor Jeremy will be a part of a discussion panel answering the questions, "What is terrorism?" "...and what do our respective faith traditions do in response?" Click here for more details.

1st Annual North Street Community Retreat
The time is fast approaching! There's a lot to say/know, so click here for all the info. We want to know that you want to go!
...on the calendar
As always, use our online calendar to know what's going down.