Wednesday Evening Dinner
Last Wednesday we had our first Wednesday Evening Community Dinner. Come tonight as we gather again to share family dinner together at 6:00 PM. Bring something to eat (we have ice water, plates, and utensils for everyone). Then...

Tonight we will continue our corporate scripture study in Genesis, looking at the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. Even if you can't come for dinner, come to study together at 7:00 PM.
Softball We have a co-ed softball game tomorrow evening. Come and play or watch!
Gathering to Fellowship
This coming Sunday is the third Sunday of the month, and we will gather to fellowship after we worship together. Like we did last summer, we'll head on over to the Hingham Town Beach for an afternoon of food and fellowship. Everyone is invited to bring normal picnic-type foods (cold-cut sandwiches, pasta salad, macaroni salad, veggies, chips, etc.) Bring beach/lawn games, blankets, camping chairs, or whatever else you think would make the afternoon more enjoyable. Feel free to dress for the day with the picnic in mind (even if it means that you're in shorts during worship!).
The Remembrance
Everyone is invited to come to our gathering of "The Remembrance" on Sunday evening at 6:00 PM. If you haven't experienced this worship gathering yet, perhaps you would join us this time?
...on the calendar
As always, use our on-line calendar to keep up with happenings for the whole North Street community.