Thursday Evening Bible Study
As we said last week, we'll begin a six-week study on First Peter this evening at 7:00 in the Newell Gathering Room.

We've been talking about it for months and the weekend is finally here! Anyone and everyone who can is invited to come and help with a number of projects at the Dorchester Immanuel Church of the Nazarene. There will be projects for every ability (cleaning, painting, and more). We'll work Friday evening and during the day on Saturday.
Click here for directions to Dorchester Immanuel Church from our own church building (235 North St, Hingham). To get directions from wherever you will be coming, just change the "Start Address" at the link to your own address. Immanuel Church's address is 806 Blue Hill Ave., Dorchester, MA.
For those who would like to car-pool and/or follow someone to Dorchester on Friday, a group will be leaving from Hingham at 6:00 PM. On Saturday, a group will leave from Hingham at 8:45 AM.
And then on Sunday evening, we'll share a time of worship and celebration with the Immanuel Congregation at 6:00 PM (in Dorchester).
Annual Meeting
Our Annual Church Meeting (somewhat of a "state of the church community" day) will be on Sunday, April 20th, with a gathering to fellowship (potluck) after. Plan to be with us for this special day!

On Sunday, May 4th, a few people from our North street Community have decided to take part in Project Bread's annual Walk for Hunger. If you would like to join them or be a part by making a donation, contact Meghan Scott or Heidi Parker.