We are on day 9 in our journey through the forty days of Lent. How are things going for you? Drop Pastor Jeremy an e-mail and let me know how this journey is or isn't speaking to you. If you haven't begun, it's not too late! Here's what you need to know:
Lent 2008 Explanation
Lent 2008 Schedule

The Remembrance
This Sunday will bring us the first of a new worship gathering North Street is embarking on. Christ said few things about our corporate worship gatherings. But one thing that he did say is that when we gather together for communion, we are doing it "in remembrance of him." We'll look together at what this "remembrance" means and what it might look like. A word of expectation: this worship gathering will be quite different than what most of us are used to. Everyone is invited to come. Expect little, but expect to worship as the gathered body of Christ.
Gathering to Fellowship (Potluck!)
This is the third Sunday of the month, and we will gather to eat and talk together after we worship in the morning on Sunday. Bring your favorite dish or something you've been wanting to try out for a while.
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with North Street happenings, including all of the Lenten events, by using our on-line calendar (click here).