Speaking of busyness of the season...there is a bunch to update you on. But before we get to the activities of December, let me tell you what's not happening this month. There will be no monthly third Sunday gathering to fellowship (AKA potluck) or men's breakfast fellowship. But there are plenty of opportunities to gather together in these Advent and Christmas seasons. We hope to see you soon.
- Jeremy
Have you ever waited very long for something? I'm not talking about the shopping lines in December or traffic in Boston. I mean, have you ever waited a long time for something? Perhaps you're still waiting for this something. You thought a long time ago that it was going to happen pretty soon, but here it is months, years, maybe even a lifetime later, and it still hasn't happened?
This Sunday, we're going to look at the time of the Incarnation, the coming of God to the world in Christ. What was it like for God's people to be waiting for a messiah? What did they expect? What did they find out? And as we're in Advent, a season of expectation, we'll consider a bit how we today are in a similar mode. We know that Christ came some two millenia ago, but we also know that there's more Kingdom work to be done. What should we be looking for? What should we be doing as we look forward to Christ's return, whatever that might look like? Join us as we consider these things.
I encourage you if you haven't yet to join us on our community scripture way. You can read the passages of scripture for this coming Sunday in worship and see the schedule here.
Update on Everett Pleyer
Everett has been moved out of the hospital and into a rehabilitation facility, where he will be for at least a couple of weeks. Please continue to be supportive to the whole family in prayer and action in these days.

We want to let you know about a new exciting portion of our website (www.northst.org). Part of our hope in traveling together as disciples of Jesus Christ is to learn from one another. Unfortunately, we only meet all together once a week. We would do better to connect "between the Sundays". One way that you might consider doing this is by participating in the new North Street Discussion Forum on the website. We're starting small, and we'll see how and if it'll take off, but for now, there is an area for discussion over the community scripture way, an area for Book Club discussions, and an area for more general community discussion. There is not yet a link from the discipleship page (there soon will be), but for now, use the following link:

You'll need to register to post (and some forums won't be viewable except by registered members), and please feel free to use your real name. "Talk" to you soon!

The second meeting of the Book Club is this coming Sunday evening, December 16, at 7:00 PM. It will be hosted by Meghan Scott at the parsonage (click here for a map and directions). We'll be discussing Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. If you haven't read the novel, you can access it by clicking here (it's fairly short, so you may be able to finish it by Sunday evening). But don't think that you can't come if you haven't read the book!
Christmas Caroling & Parsonage Open House
Speaking of Christmas and carols, everyone is invited to come and join us as we go Christmas caroling around the immediate North Street and Thaxter Street neighborhoods at 5:00 PM this Saturday, December 15. After, everyone is invited to an open house at the parsonage (even if you didn't go caroling!).
Ladies Craft Night
Monday, December 17, 6:30 PM in the Newell Gathering Room.
Christmas Eve Eve Worship Gathering
We'll have a special Christmas worship gathering on Sunday, December 23, at 6:00 PM (please note that this is a time change from a previous announcement). This will be a family candlelight service.
New Year's Eve Gathering
Anyone and everyone is invited to join us for food and games on New Year's Eve (...just in case...that's December 31st). We'll gather at 7:00 PM and ring in the new calendar year together.
Shelter Cleaning
The space in the church building set aside for transitional shelter housing through Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore will be vacant briefly over the next week. We want to use this time to spruce up the living area for the next families to come in. If you have any time this coming week (after Sunday, December 16th) to clean the space, please let me (Jeremy) know. And then on Saturday, December 22nd, everyone's invited to come and help clean and organize at 9:00.
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with North Street happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).