...so please use your best judgment in traveling today. I've been watching Thaxter and North Streets since 6:00 AM and I think the DPW slept in or something, they haven't even tried to clear them. I imagine that they'd try and do something before 10:00, but who knows. So I am encouraging everyone to not go out and drive this morning. I will be at the church building at 11:00 and any of us there together will spend some time in the scripture passages and prayer. Perhaps those of you at home want to have your own little worship service. You can read the scripture passages (below), read a sermon (below), and pray together.
Here are the scripture passages for this week:
Isaiah 35:1-10
Psalm 146:5-10
Luke 1:46-55
James 5:7-10
Matthew 11:2-11
You can read them by
clicking here. Some of you who've been using the community scripture way may notice that verse 12 is added to the Matthew passage. That's because I'm giving you a link to a wonderful sermon by one of my favorite preachers: Barbara Brown Taylor that includes that verse. She preached this message three years ago this week in the Duke University Chapel. It has some of the same idea of where we were going to be headed together this morning. When your done reading it, ask yourself: "What expectations do
I have about God and his Kingdom that might be wrong or just plain selfish??"
You can read the sermon here (it's a .pdf file which will require
Adobe Reader...which most of you probably already have...just try clicking below, and if it doesn't work, then go and get the reader):
http://www.chapel.duke.edu/documents/sermons/sermon_135.pdfAs you pray, pray for one another and that we might know Christ better in this Advent season. And know that I'm praying for you on this day of worship.
Oh, and if you really miss music and maybe even need some comic relief, I've got a song I've been saving for a special occasion.
Click here to hear a version of
O Holy Night like you've never heard it before.