Update on Everett Pleyer

Everett Pleyer came out of surgery as well as could be expected. This was the first of a few major hurdles in recovery from a burst aneurysm in the femoral artery (an artery headed to his right leg). He will be carefully watched in ICU for at least a week and in the hospital for a few more after that.

At the same time, Ardie Eyring's eye was accidently scratched by their dog the other night, and it was grown worse since then. Ardie had stayed home today to go to a doctor's appointment to check her eye out. It was while she was at home today that Everett's aneurysm burst. Had she not been there, there was no one who could have immediately responded to Everett. While her eye is an annoying pain at this point (pray for her!), it is for this reason that Everett was able to make it to the hospital.

Please continue to pray for them all in these delicate days.