Everett Pleyer came out of surgery as well as could be expected. This was the first of a few major hurdles in recovery from a burst aneurysm in the femoral artery (an artery headed to his right leg). He will be carefully watched in ICU for at least a week and in the hospital for a few more after that.
At the same time, Ardie Eyring's eye was accidently scratched by their dog the other night, and it was grown worse since then. Ardie had stayed home today to go to a doctor's appointment to check her eye out. It was while she was at home today that Everett's aneurysm burst. Had she not been there, there was no one who could have immediately responded to Everett. While her eye is an annoying pain at this point (pray for her!), it is for this reason that Everett was able to make it to the hospital.
Please continue to pray for them all in these delicate days.
Immediate Prayer: Everett Pleyer
Would you please pray for Everett Pleyer? He is at this minute in surgery to take care of an aneurysm that burst in his leg. The surgery is crucial as he would continue to bleed without it. Please pray for him, his wife Arlene, and Tim & Ardie Eyring, his son-in-law and daughter. I will update you as I have info that can be shared.
For & Through Christ,
For & Through Christ,
Gathering to Worship on Sunday

The Reader's Club
Plans are coming together for the new reader's club. On Sunday, December 2, at 7:00 PM, everyone is invited to the first get together. Jason & Heidi Parker will be hosting at their home (click here for directions). There will be light refreshments and lots of dialogue. The format? We're not completely sure yet - we want your input. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Meghan Scott. See you there!
Redesiged Website
North Street's main static website has been slightly re-desiged and all links should work now. Check it out: www.northst.org
This coming Sunday, December 2 is the first Sunday of Advent. The season of Advent is a wonderful time of waiting, hope, & anticipation. Did you know that Advent and Christmas are not the same? Advent takes us through Christmas Eve, and the Christmas season begins...well..on Christmas. Click here to read more about the meaning and traditions of Advent. From this point on, you can find the readings for Sunday by visiting the Community Scripture Way page (see below).
Introducing the First Annual
North Street Community Scripture Way
This past Sunday (Christ the King Sunday), we all received in worship our first Community Scripture Way. "What is that?", you ask. In short, it's a daily scripture reading plan. But it's way more than that too. Please check out these links to read more about it: an introduction is here and an explanation is here. You can get a hard copy the next time you come to worship, you can print your own here, or you can just follow it online every day here. We invite everyone who's a part of our community to join us in living in scripture together every day. 
North Street Community Scripture Way

Plans are coming together for the new reader's club. On Sunday, December 2, at 7:00 PM, everyone is invited to the first get together. Jason & Heidi Parker will be hosting at their home (click here for directions). There will be light refreshments and lots of dialogue. The format? We're not completely sure yet - we want your input. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Meghan Scott. See you there!

North Street's main static website has been slightly re-desiged and all links should work now. Check it out: www.northst.org
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).
North Street Update

I encourage you, if at all possible, to join us in worship this coming Sunday. In addition to celebrating the central aspect of the Kingdom of God (Jesus the Christ, the King), we receive our first Daily Community Scripture Reading Plan. While we've always been encouraged to read the Sunday lectionary readings before coming to worship, now it will be even easier and more meaningful.
Wait a second...what's the "liturgical church year"...and what on earth is a "lectionary"? I again encourage you to join us in worship on Sunday, when these and other questions about what we do together as a community in worship together will be answered. See you then! For now, here are some other things going on:
Hingham & Hull Community Thanksgiving Service

Every year for a while now, the Hingham & Hull Religious Leaders Association has sponsored an interfaith Thanksgiving Service for the community. This year's service will be on Wednesday, November 21 at 8:00 at the Old Ship Church.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
All men: we'll eat breakfast together this coming Saturday, November 24 at 8:00 AM.
Community Hanging of the Green
With Advent and then Christmas approaching, it's time again to dress the church building with decorations. Next Sunday evening, November 25, we will gather for a short meaningful explanation of the various colors, themes, and decorations of the season at 6:00. We'll have refreshments and plenty of work to do! It's always a fun time, so come and join us as we deck the ha- ...er...sanctuary.
Ladies Craft Night - NEW NIGHT!!!
The Ladies' Craft Night is meeting on Monday evening, November 26 at 6:30 PM. Bring a snack, a craft, whatever, but definitely yourself!
New Readers' Club Forming

On Sunday, December 2, at 7:00 p.m. we kick off a new book club! Heidi and Jason Parker will be hosting the evening at their home (click here for directions). Come by for some goodies and dialogue with other kindred book lovers. What's the format? Well, we want to read books and discuss them together, but we're not completely sure yet - we want your input. Any and all are welcome to come, so spread the word. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Meghan Scott. See you there!
On the Calendar...
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).
Community Harvest Dinner
Happy Friday to you all.
This is just a note to invite you to join us after worship this week for our Community Harvest Dinner. We'll have lots of food (turkey, ham, the usual Thanksgiving foods) so stick around after we worship and let's fellowship together. See you Sunday!
This is just a note to invite you to join us after worship this week for our Community Harvest Dinner. We'll have lots of food (turkey, ham, the usual Thanksgiving foods) so stick around after we worship and let's fellowship together. See you Sunday!
...and you thought YOU were up early this morning...
Announcing the arrival of Corado Lee Ambler, first child of Corey Ambler and Jodi Newell. He arrived this morning at 5:18 AM. He was born at 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 10 inches long. Nothing to worry about - he's a healthy baby, and Jodi's doing just fine. (Oh, and so are the proud grandparents Herb & Carol Newell!)

Happy Friday to you all!
I wanted to take a minute to let you all know about a new initiative of the Hingham & Hull Religious Leaders Association called "Interfaith Dialogue on Hot Topics". These Sunday evening forum-discussions will be every other month or so for a while, initiated with the hope that we can come together to understand each other better.
From the HHRLA:
The Hingham Hull Religious Leaders Association is introducing a new community forum providing an opportunity for interfaith dialogue. The first meeting of the Interfaith Dialogue on Hot Topics, will be hosted by North Street Community Chapel, located at the corners of North and Thaxter Streets, on Sunday, November 4, 2007, at 7:00 PM. The first topic will be Heaven and Hell. Two short presentations will be given by Behnaz Moshfegh, representing the Baha'i faith, and Rev. Gary Ludwig, from the American Baptist Churches, USA, with open discussion to follow. All are invited to listen and share.
(Okay, it's me Jeremy again...):
I hope that if you might come out to these events, you might be challenged to understand and know better our own faith. For instance, do you know what you believe about heaven and hell? If someone asked you what hell was, what would you say? Do you know what the Church of the Nazarene says about heaven and hell? This will be the first subject.
For those who knew about this event before and expected the topic to be "the place of sacred scripture in public schools" covered by myself and Rev. Diane Mix, we've had to postpone this one. Anyway, we'll see you Sunday!
I wanted to take a minute to let you all know about a new initiative of the Hingham & Hull Religious Leaders Association called "Interfaith Dialogue on Hot Topics". These Sunday evening forum-discussions will be every other month or so for a while, initiated with the hope that we can come together to understand each other better.

The Hingham Hull Religious Leaders Association is introducing a new community forum providing an opportunity for interfaith dialogue. The first meeting of the Interfaith Dialogue on Hot Topics, will be hosted by North Street Community Chapel, located at the corners of North and Thaxter Streets, on Sunday, November 4, 2007, at 7:00 PM. The first topic will be Heaven and Hell. Two short presentations will be given by Behnaz Moshfegh, representing the Baha'i faith, and Rev. Gary Ludwig, from the American Baptist Churches, USA, with open discussion to follow. All are invited to listen and share.
(Okay, it's me Jeremy again...):
I hope that if you might come out to these events, you might be challenged to understand and know better our own faith. For instance, do you know what you believe about heaven and hell? If someone asked you what hell was, what would you say? Do you know what the Church of the Nazarene says about heaven and hell? This will be the first subject.
For those who knew about this event before and expected the topic to be "the place of sacred scripture in public schools" covered by myself and Rev. Diane Mix, we've had to postpone this one. Anyway, we'll see you Sunday!
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