...in Worship on Sunday
This Sunday is the eighth Sunday after Pentecost. Here are our lectionary readings:
Old Testament: Genesis 18:1-10
Psalm: Psalm 15
Gospel: Luke 10:38-42
Epistle: Colossians 1:15-28
Click here to read them.

Tonight is our last regular season game! There's plenty of playing time for everyone. The team has a record of three wins and four losses (2-4) and a whole lotta fun. Our next game is this tonight (Monday, July 16) Click here for more information about softball including the schedule, record, and directions to the field.
Here is the last update from the Austin Family on their work in Kenya. They are home and prayerfully awaiting what's next for them. Please continue in prayer for the Austins as they continue to seek God's face in knowing what's next in ministry.
July 4, 2007
Men's Breakfast
Our monthly men's fellowship breakfast is coming up on Saturday, July 28th at 8:00 AM. Paul Goodwin will be providing breakfast this time. Come for a morning of fellowship.

Please keep Karen Bennett and her whole extended family in prayer as they continue in the first days after the loss of her 36 year old sister.
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).