...in Worship on Sunday
This coming Sunday, May 27 is Pentecost Sunday. In addition to recognizing Pentecost, we'll have infant baptisms for Brooklyn Gwen & Brenna Munro Scott and be sending off our group headed to New Orleans. Here is the written word for Sunday:
Old Testament: Genesis 11:1-9
Psalm: Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
Gospel: John 14:23-29
The Acts: Acts 2:1-21
Click here to read them.
New Orleans Trip
Our group headed to New Orleans leaves in twelve days! We will have a "send-off" this coming Sunday during our worship gathering as an opportunity for the whole North Street community to "participate" in the trip. Any money that is received through this offering will be used to purchase supplies for our team and other teams to rebuild houses damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Keep a close watch on North St. News during the trip (June 2-9) for updates and pictures while we are down there.

North Street Community Chapel is part of the New England District Church of the Nazarene. Every year, all churches who are a part of the NED get together for an annual District Assembly. This includes all sorts of gatherings and business meetings. Assembly happens this week (May 23-26). See our Calendar for dates, times, and locations. Speakers and preachers throughout the week include our district superintendent, Jossie Owens, the General NMI Director, Daniel Ketchum, and General Superintendent, Jess Middendorf.
Co-ed Softball
Our softball team (the "North Street Empire") has a record of one win and one loss (1-1). Our next game is this coming Thursday. Click here for more information about softball including the schedule and directions to the field.

All men are invited to breakfast this coming Saturday. Jason Parker will be cooking for us again. We get together at 8:00 AM in the Newell Gathering Room at the church building. After, at 10:30, there will be an all-church work day to clean up and organize the basement and the garage.
...in Africa
We've received three e-mails since our last update from the Austin Family in Kenya. You can access them by clicking on the date below:
May 9, 2007
May 10, 2007
May 16, 2007
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).