...in Worship on Sunday
This coming Sunday, June 3 is Trinity Sunday. Rev. Tim Eyring will be preaching. Here is the written word for Sunday:
Old Testament: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31
Psalm: Psalm 8
Gospel: John 16:12-15
Epistle: Romans 5:1-5
Click here to read them.
New Orleans Trip
Our group headed to New Orleans leaves on Saturday! We had a "send-off" this past Sunday during our worship gathering of prayer and offering. Together we gave almost $300 in addition to all the money that's already come in to help buy supplies for the work down in New Orleans. Remember, keep a close watch on North St. News during the trip (June 2-9) for updates and pictures while we are down there.

North Street Community Chapel is part of the New England District Church of the Nazarene. Every year, all churches who are a part of the NED get together for an annual District Assembly. This includes all sorts of gatherings and business meetings. Assembly happened last week. Come to the worship gathering on June 17th for a short debriefing of the Assembly and to hear just a little bit of all the exciting things that God is doing throughout New England.
In Prayer
Please pray for Friends of the Homeless as they seek to fill two important staff positions. There is a whole lot of extra work for the current staff in filling needed shifts and responsibilities. Do you know someone that might be a good prospective staff member for FHSS? Please contact Ed DiSante if you do. Regardless, please keep FHSS in prayer.
A Word from Jeremy
I'm headed up to northern Vermont for a couple of days this week to seek the Word of God in planning North Street's worship gatherings and preaching for the next several months. I'll also be praying about how we can stay in the written Word throughout the week together (a daily or weekly Bible reading plan). Would you please pray with me in these days as I discern how we together might be formed by God's Word together?
Co-ed Softball
Our softball team (the "North Street Empire") has a record of one win and two losses (1-2) and a whole lotta fun. Our next game is this evening (Tuesday, May 29). Click here for more information about softball including the schedule and directions to the field.
...in Africa
We've received one e-mail since our last update from the Austin Family in Kenya. You can read it by clicking on the date below. Please be praying for the Austins as they continue to seek God's face in knowing what's next in ministry when they return to the United States in just five weeks.
May 24, 2007
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).