While our worship gathering yesterday was minus Pastor Jeremy and family with Meghan in the hospital, Rev. Tim Eyring, Rev. Betty Jean Goodwin, and Jason Parker graciously assumed the leadership roles of the day. Meghan came home from the hospital later in the evening and is doing fine at home with the kids. Here's what's happening...
...in Worship
This coming Sunday, February 18, is the last Sunday after Epiphany and is Transfiguration Sunday. We'll be looking at the "high places" of life in God's Kingdom. All of our scripture passages tell us of specific times when God's people encountered God in high places (Moses on Sinai, Jesus, Peter, James, & John on the mount) . We'll read these stories and hear part of what that might mean for us today.
Here are the passages:
Old Testament: Exodus 34:29-35
Psalm: Psalm 99
Gospel: Luke 9:28-43
Epistle: II Corinthians 3:12-4:2
Click here to read them.

...in Discipleship
Click here to read the Adult Sunday School Class Preview - "The Wrong Kind of People?" Come at 9:45 for coffee, a breakfast snack, and corporate discussion surrounding the written word (Luke 15).

Next Sunday is the third Sunday of the month and that means potluck. Bring your favorite dish, dessert, etc., and we'll gather to fellowship after the worship gathering.

Updates have come back from Kenya where Drew Krause and Beth Jackson are studying at Africa Nazarene University. While Beth took quite sick for a while, she is fine now and they are both being stretched and challenged by their classes at ANU. Let's keep them in prayer.
The Austin Family leaves soon for Kenya as well. They report that their finances have come in well, and will also be updating us by e-mail. Let's keep them in prayer.