Our worship gathering focused on the "wildernesses" of life this past Sunday, using the example of Christ and his intentional decision to enter into the wilderness (desert) for 40 days in preparation for ministry. One of our conclusions was that if Christ (the Son of God) saw that it was good to remove oneself to the "wilderness" for a period of time, it is good for us as well.

...in Worship
This coming Sunday, March 4, is the second Sunday in Lent. As we continue in Lent, we'll focus on trusting the Lord in times of trouble and throughout temptation.
The readings for Sunday are:
Old Testament: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Psalm: Psalm 27
Gospel: Luke 13:31-35
Epistle: Philippians 3:17-4:1
Click here to read them.
...in Prayer - Neal Estey
Neal Estey had a PET scan yesterday, which will help determine the extent of the cancer, and lead to help in deciding on treatment. Results will be in soon. Of concern right now are Neal's blood levels. When praying now, in addition to strength and encouragement, we should pray that the situation with his blood would improve - that he could make his own quicker, and not have to rely on transfusions.
...in Prayer - New Orleans Work Trip
It's never too early to pray for our team who will be headed to New Orleans the first week of June. Pray for Andrew Rankin, who's working very hard on all aspects of the trip. Pray for those who are planning on heading down to New Orleans - as they raise funds
...in Discipleship - the 40 days of lent

We continue this week on our journey through the 40 days of lent. Individual Prayer time is on Wednesday at the church building in Hingham. For more information or a whole schedule, use these links:
The 40 Days of Lent - Explanation
Schedule of Readings and Activities
Just a reminder that our Church Board will meet this Friday, March 2nd, at 6:30 at the church.
Also, an on-line Google Calendar has been created for North Street. If you use Google Calendars, iCalendar, or Outlook, you can sync these with the North Street Calendar. It will always be on the right-hand side of North St. News in mini-form, and you can click here to see the whole thing.
...in Africa
As this update is being written, The Austin Family is on their way to Kenya. Here is an e-mail from Angela, written on Sunday:
Dear Family and Friends,
After an amazing send-off service and pot-luck lunch today, we feel ready to head to Kenya. It's a good thing, too, because it's all happening tomorrow. We're preparing for our final night in the states for four months, and it's an unreal feeling. Everyone is healthy and happy at the moment, and all we need now is some "happy" weather to help us along. We fly out tomorrow (Monday, the 26th) just before 7pm. Tuesday morning we arrive in London to spend an entire day with Jon's parents, then we fly out of there that night. We touch down in Nairobi (Kenya's capital) at about 8am Wednesday (hopefully). It will be a long and tiring trip, but well worth it. We're so excited to adjust to the new culture and get into the thick of it all. Be watching for more updates to come! We hope to get to the e-mail cafe in town at least once a week to send updates, so hopefully you'll hear from us fairly soon.
We thank each of you so much for your thoughts and prayers. Please just pray with us for a safe and "uneventful" journey to Kenya.
Thanks, also, to all of you who made today such a special day for us.
Serving HIM.
Jon, Ang, Caleb and Johnny :)
The word from Kenya where Drew Krause and Beth Jackson are studying at Africa Nazarene University, is that they are engaged! Congratulations to them, and keep them in prayer as well.
...a word from Jeremy on "gathering" and "dispersing"
The question has been asked again why the pastor ends the worship gathering with "you are dispersed." I suppose it's a matter of personal preference, but I say it as a reminder that we are always the Church. Phrases like "I go to church at (fill in where you go to church)" and "church begins at 11:00 AM" and even "you are dismissed" could imply that we are not "the church" unless we are together in the sanctuary at 235 North Street. While we probably don't think this way, using phrases like "worship gathering" and "you are dispersed" help remind us that we are always the church. We are North Street Community Chapel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our membership in the Church is never "dismissed" just because we leave 235 North Street. When I pray for you, it excites me to pray for "our community spread throughout the South Shore" because I envision you all at your various places of responsibility throughout the South Shore - at work, in your homes, shopping, driving, etc., and I envision you working for the Lord in the various ways given, knowing that in a few days, we'll be gathered again to worship together. So good question! Remember, Jesus tells us in his conversation with the Samaritan woman in John 4 that the worship God desires is of those who worship him in spirit and in truth. We can only worship truthfully and in spirit ("with our all") when we understand and know what we're doing, saying, and hearing.