January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013

This Sunday - This is the fifth week in our series, Sabbath: Resurrection. We will look at various passages in the gospel of John (from chapters 1, 19, and 20) as well as a look back to Genesis 1. Did you realize that Jesus was dead on the sabbath? Do you think this has any significance (or that he was raised on the first day of the week)? We'll explore this together on Sunday (the first day of the week!). I hope you can come. If you have not heard any of the sermons in this series, you can hear them on our recordings page. - Pastor Jeremy

Alabaster Offering- February is Alabaster Offering month in the church of the Nazarene! Individuals are encouraged to bring their alabaster boxes, spare change, or other monetary donations, the entire proceeds of which go to the building of churches and facilities for missions!

Spanish Word of the Week - ofrecimiento meaning offering.

Guatemala Update - We learned this week that two little girls who were connected to the the Vida Abundante Church and the student center passed away. They were ages 5 and 7. We don't have any more details than that, but certainly want to be praying for their families, Pastor Pedro and Carlos, and the whole community in the wake of these tragedies.

Community Retreat -  Our fifth annual community retreat is just two weeks away! At the moment we have 45 people signed up, but there's room for you! All the fine details are here on the church's website. If you would like to go, please email Pastor Jeremy. We are again practicing Acts 2 principles in "sharing the cost." We want all who want to go to be able to. This year, the retreat is on the first weekend of Lent. As such, it makes a great way to make a great start on our Lenten and Easter emphases.

Lent and Easter - Lent begins in less than two weeks. Our Annual Ash Wednesday service will be at 7:00 on February 13, just prior to our retreat. We will be returning to an emphasis we went through two years ago, but with a brand new book: Ashes to Fire. The daily devotional books are $10 each. Email Christina Duncan if you would like one and you can put the money for them in an offering box (be sure to mark it!). The readings begin on February 13 and we will hand out the devotional books at our Ash Wednesday service.

  • The South Shore Baptist Church has invited any and all to an event with Emily Colson. (February 7th, 7pm). Emily’s son, Max, was diagnosed with autism at an early age. As a suddenly single mother, Emily went through many challenging years, only to emerge confident and joyful about the gift she has been given. And Max, this remarkable young man who struggles to communicate, has life lessons to teach us all. Colson's book, “Dancing with Max”, winner of the Autism Society of America’s “Literary Work of the Year Award,” chronicles this story with great wisdom, candor and disarming humor. For more information, see SSBC's website.
  • Have anything to share here? Let Christina know.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, February 3rd
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Monday, February 4th
Board Meeting (6:30 PM)
Wednesday, February 6th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)

Upcoming Dates:
  • Ash Wednesday Service - Feb. 13th, 7:00 PM
  • Annual Retreat - Feb. 15th-18th
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)

January 24, 2013

January 24, 2013

This Sunday - This is the fourth week in our series, Sabbath: Re-Deem.  If you have not heard any of our sermons, you can hear them on our recordings page. Unfortunately, the recording for this past week failed. Truly it was a situation where "you just had to be there." This week we will look at a couple of the times when Jesus himself speaks about sabbath.

Spanish Word of the Week - comunidad, which is "community".

Ktizo Gallery & Nook - On such cold days as they are this week, what a great thing it is that Charlie DiSante has warmed up the Newell Gathering Room with many results of her quilting. If you haven't taken the time to appreciate these beautiful pieces, check them out! There are some pictures on the Ktizo website, but come on in to check them out. They're even better in person.

Community Retreat - Please note that the costs sent out previously were incorrect. We apologize for this error! The prices on the website are now correct. In just three weeks we will travel north to Windsor Hills outside Hillsboro, NH for rest, relaxation, and growth in fellowship together. All the fine details are here on the church's website. If you would like to go, please email Pastor Jeremy. Having an estimate on numbers is important for our planning. We're really excited about this year and will again be practicing Acts 2 principles in "sharing the cost." We want all who want to go to be able to. See the website for more details. This year, the retreat is on the first weekend of Lent. As such, it makes a great way to make a great start on our Lenten and Easter emphases. Speaking of Lent and Easter...

Lent and Easter - Lent begins in less than three weeks. Our Annual Ash Wednesday service will be at 7:00 on February 13, just prior to our retreat. We will be returning to an emphasis we went through two years ago, but with a brand new book: Ashes to Fire. The daily devotional books are $10 each. Email Christina Duncan if you would like one and you can put the money for them in an offering box (be sure to mark it!). The readings begin on February 13 and we will hand out the devotional books at our Ash Wednesday service.

A Great Way to Help Friends of the Homeless - We will be placing another order of "Cash for Causes" gift cards to Stop & Shop Thursday the 31st of January. 5% of the proceeds go to support Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore. They are available in any denominations requested. They take one week to arrive, so they will be brought to church Sunday February 9th and can be paid for at that point in time. We plan to repeat this on more or less a monthly basis if you want to figure out what you spend at Stop & Shop in a month (more or less). Please contact Nathaniel Scott by email or text (or in person or by phone) at nathanielgleinscott@yahoo.com or (781) 964-6084. Thank you.

  • The South Shore Baptist Church has invited any and all to an event with Emily Colson. Emily’s son, Max, was diagnosed with autism at an early age. As a suddenly single mother, Emily went through many challenging years, only to emerge confident and joyful about the gift she has been given. And Max, this remarkable young man who struggles to communicate, has life lessons to teach us all. Colson's book, “Dancing with Max”, winner of the Autism Society of America’s “Literary Work of the Year Award,” chronicles this story with great wisdom, candor and disarming humor. For more information, see SSBC's website
  • Have anything to share here? Let Christina know.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, January 27th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, January 30th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Thursday, January 31st
Sabbatical Meeting (8:30 PM) Dennis/Linda Scott's House

Upcoming Dates:
  • Ash Wednesday Service - Feb. 13th, 7:00 PM
  • Annual Retreat - Feb. 15th-18th
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)

January 17, 2013

January 17, 2013

This Sunday - This is the third week in our series, Sabbath: Re-store. We will go through the story of God providing manna ("bread") in Exodus 16:23-31. What does Sabbath have to do with dependence on God? What Jesus provides in the prayer that he taught the disciples will also guide us this week - "Give us this day our daily bread." If you've not yet heard either or both of the first two sermons, you can hear them on our recordings page.

In addition, remember that right after Sunday School, we will have a special potluck during which we will have a short presentation and question/answers about the sabbatical coming up this summer. So bring some food to share and if you have not yet read the sabbatical narrative, it will be a great way to get to know what's coming up in this exciting summer. Be sure to write down questions as you read!

Global Partnership Update - A few of us continue to interact on Facebook with our brothers and sisters at the Vida Abundante Church in Guatemala City. If you're on FB, we encourage you to join in here at the group page. If you haven't seen the video we watched in worship this past week yet, be sure to check it out here.

Spanish Word of the Week - amor, which is "love"

Community Retreat - Please note that the costs sent out previously were incorrect. We apologize for this error! In just four weeks we will travel north to Windsor Hills outside Hillsboro, NH for rest, relaxation, and growth in fellowship together. All the fine details are here on the church's website. If you are planning on going, please email Pastor Jeremy. Having an estimate on numbers is important for our planning. We're really excited about this year and will again be practicing Acts 2 principles in "sharing the cost." We want all who want to go to be able to. See the website for more details. This year, the retreat is on the first weekend of Lent. As such, it makes a great way to make a great start on our Lenten and Easter emphases. Speaking of Lent and Easter...

Lent and Easter - Lent begins in less than four weeks. Our Annual Ash Wednesday service will be at 7:00 on February 13, just prior to our retreat. We will be returning to an emphasis we went through two years ago, but with a brand new book: Ashes to Fire. The daily devotional books will be $10 each. Email Christian Duncan if you would like one. The readings begin on February 13.
  • The children will be heading to Rumford, RI for the second Bible Quiz Meet on Saturday. 
  • Have anything to share here? Let Christina know.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, January 20th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Potluck (12:00 PM~)
Wednesday, January 23rd
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)

Upcoming Dates:
  • Ash Wednesday Service - Feb. 13th, 7:00 PM
  • Annual Retreat - Feb. 15th-18th
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)

January 10, 2013

January 10, 2013

This Sunday - This is the second week in our series - Sabbath: Re-member.  This week we will be looking at the call to remember the sabbath in the Ten Words ("Commandments") in Exodus 20:8-11.

In addition, remember that next Sunday (the 20th) we will have a special potluck during which we will have a short presentation and question/answers about the sabbatical coming up this summer. If you have not yet read the sabbatical narrative, it will be a great way to get to know what's coming up in this exciting summer. Be sure to write down questions as you read!

Global Partnership Update - A few of us continue to interact on Facebook with our brothers and sisters at the Vida Abundante Church in Guatemala City. If you're on FB, we encourage you to join in here at the group page. An exciting post surfaced this week with a video greeting from the church. You  surely want to see the video below:

Spanish Word of the Week - sabado, which means the "sabbath"

Fanny Crosby Senior Adult Gathering - The life of Fanny Crosby, who was blind from childhood, will be presented in the lower level of our sister church, the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene this Sunday, January 13th at 4:00 PM. The Rev. Ann Nelson (retired) will do this in the form of a monologue. Her husband, John is the co-presenter and narrator. We will sing about 10 of her songs. She wrote over 8,000 hymns, such as Blessed Assurance and To God Be the Glory. Anyone who enjoys singing hymns is invited. Sweet breads, tea, and coffee will be provided. An offering will be taken. You don’t want to miss this one! Loretta Fish has offered rides for those coming from Hingham.

ENC Revival - Next week, Dr. David Busic, President of our Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO, will be the speaker at ENC's Revival. Services are Wednesday and Friday at 10:25 AM and Wednesday through Friday at 7:00 PM. In lieu of our own regular Wednesday activities (dinner and discussion) on February 16, everyone is invited to go to the revival (which is on campus in the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene, 37 E. Elm Avenue, Quincy). Dr. Busic is a great preacher of the Word.

Community Retreat - There are just 27 more days until we travel north to Windsor Hills outside Hillsboro, NH for rest, relaxation, and growth in fellowship together. All the fine details are here on the church's website. If you are planning on going, please email Pastor Jeremy. We're really excited about this year and will again be practicing Acts 2 principles in "sharing the cost." We want all who want to go to be able to. See the website for more details. This year, the retreat is on the first weekend of Lent. As such, it makes a great way to make a great start on our Lenten and Easter emphases. Speaking of Lent and Easter...

Lent and Easter - When seeing those two words you might be thinking, "NO!!! It's too early!!!" But Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent) is less than five weeks away. It is also the Wednesday just prior to our retreat. We will be returning to an emphasis we went through two years ago, but with a brand new book: Ashes to Fire. The daily devotional books will be $10 each. Email Christian Duncan if you would like one. The readings begin on February 13.
  • The annual celebration of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr, sponsored by the Hingham Hull Religious Leaders' Association, will be headlined this year by well-known local story teller Jay O'Callahan. We will gather at the conference center at Glastonbury Abbey on Monday, Jan. 21 at 8:00 am for breakfast followed by Jay's stories of war and peace and hate and race. Children, grownups -- everyone -- will be charmed by Jay's stories.
  • Have anything to share here? Let Christina know.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, January 13th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, January 9th
Revival Service at ENC (7:00 PM)

Upcoming Dates:
  • January Potluck with Sabbatical Q&A - Jan. 20th
  • Annual Retreat - Feb. 15th-18th
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)

January 3, 2013

  January 3, 2013

This Sunday - In addition to this Sunday being the actual day of Epiphany, concluding the season of Christmas, we will be beginning a new sermon series - Sabbath: RE. This will take us to Lent just before our community retreat. In conjunction with the sabbatical period this summer, I will be preaching these weeks on the biblical, theological, traditional, and practical foundations of the Sabbath and sabbaticals. This week we will be looking at the creation story in Genesis 1:1-2:4.

In addition, mark your calendars now to plan on staying after Sunday School for a special potluck on January 20th during which we will have a short presentation and question/answers about the sabbatical. 

Spanish Word of the Week - la creación, which means the "creation"

Fanny Crosby Senior Adult Gathering - The life of Fanny Crosby, who was blind from childhood, will be presented in the lower level of our sister church, the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene on Sunday, January 13th at 4:00 PM. The Rev. Ann Nelson (retired) will do this in the form of a monologue. Her husband, John is the co-presenter and narrator. We will sing about 10 of her songs. She wrote over 8,000 hymns, such as Blessed Assurance and To God Be the Glory. Anyone who enjoys singing hymns is invited. Sweet breads, tea, and coffee will be provided. An offering will be taken. You don’t want to miss this one!

Community Retreat - With the holidays coming to a close, it can only mean...our annual retreat is fast approaching! There are just 41 more days until we travel north to Windsor Hills outside Hillsboro, NH for rest, relaxation, and growth in fellowship together. Be sure to block out the dates on your calendar: February 15-18 (President's Day Weekend). Rates will be around the same as last year, but stay tuned for finer details.

  • The annual celebration of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr, sponsored by the Hingham Hull Religious Leaders' Association, will be headlined this year by well-known local story teller Jay O'Callahan. We will gather at the conference center at Glastonbury Abbey on Monday, Jan. 21 at 8:00 am for breakfast followed by Jay's stories of war and peace and hate and race. Children, grownups -- everyone -- will be charmed by Jay's stories.
  • Have anything to share here? Let Christina know.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, January 6th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Monday, January 7th
Board Meeting (6:30 PM)
Wednesday, January 9th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM) - Psalmist's Cry
Sabbatical Meeting (8:00 PM)

Upcoming Dates:
  • January Potluck with Sabbatical Q&A - Jan. 20th
  • Annual Retreat - Feb. 15th-18th
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)