April 29, 2011

1. This Sunday
2. Mission to Mars
3. Response to Storms in the South
4. Other Reminders

1. This Sunday (May 1) - With Resurrection Sunday behind us, we will continue in this season of Easter by looking at the rest of John 20. Remember: Ashes to Fire continues through Pentecost (June 12th this year), so keep reading your book!  This Sunday we will look at Jesus' appearance to his followers in the locked room.  This passage holds the infamous conversation with Thomas as well (come to Sunday School for good discussion about the relationship between faith & doubt).  To prepare for worship, read our passages here.  Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

2. Mission to Mars - An informational session will take place this Sunday May 1 right after service.  Come to find out how you can help plan and implement our Kids Week VBS. Mission to Mars (Meet a Risen Savior) will take place during the week of July 25-29 from 6-8 PM.  If you can't attend the informational session please talk to Dawn Haskell for more information. Check out the theme song here.

3.  Response to Storms in the South - The Board of General Superintendents of the Church of the Nazarene have called for prayer and support for our brothers and sisters in the South affected by the devastating storms of this week.  Read their plea here.  As in the wake of most any disaster in the world, our Nazarene Disaster Response is already at work.  You can support the work financially here.  You can also always bring an offering in response and support to worship with you.  Place it in an offering box, but be sure to mark it clearly.  Ed DiSante also reminds us that there is need for money to ship Crisis Care Kits as well.  Information about that is here. (It costs $12 to ship a box.)

4. Other Reminders:
Nursery (5/1): Dorothy Newell & Dawn Haskell
The Coming Week
Saturday April 230th 
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday May 1st
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
12:00 PM- Informational meeting for VBS
Tuesday May 3rd
6:00 PM- Ladies Craft Night
Wednesday May 4th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study

May 9 - 6:30 Board meeting
May 15th - "Picnic" theme potluck- weather permitting on the front lawn
July 25-29: Kids Week

Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.

April 21, 2011

1. This Sunday
2. Save the Date
3. Annual Meeting & Reports
4. Other Reminders

1. This Sunday (April 24th) - This is the greatest day of our Church Year - Resurrection Sunday!  We have a lot planned for Sunday, but don't first forget our Good Friday Service of Shadows (7:00 PM) tomorrow.  You won't want to miss this reflective evening of visual and musical arts.  Then on Sunday we'll gather early at 6:00 AM for a Sunrise Service with breakfast and an egg hunt after for the kids.  Children's Sunday School will be at 9:30 and we'll Celebrate the Resurrection at our normal time (10:30 AM).  Sarah will be introducing a new song called "He Reigns" which you can preview here.

As we come to the end of Lent and the beginning of Easter, we'll continue in our Ashes to Fire emphasis by looking at "Christ in (out of!) the Tomb."  If there's ever a Sunday to gather with your brothers & sisters in Christ...this is it!  See you Sunday!

2. Save the Date (Mission to Mars) - We will be holding an informational meeting on May 1st to introduce our summer VBS.  Mission to Mars will take place during the week of July 25-29 from 6-8 PM.  Now's a good time to share this date with others!  Mission to MARS is "Meet A Risen Savior."  Check out the theme song here.

3.  Annual Meeting & Reports - We had a good Annual Meeting this past Sunday. Your new church board was elected (Charlie DiSante, Ed DiSante, Dawn Haskell, Dorothy Newell, Dana Parker, Jason Parker, Lauren Scott, & Angelica Wilson).  An ex-officio position was also given to Friends of the Homeless again, in which Herb Newell will serve.  If you would like to see or review the reports that were handed out, you can download a .PDF file here.

4. Other Reminders:
Nursery (4/24): Becky & Andrew Rankin

The Coming Week
Friday April 22nd
7:00 PM - Good Friday Service of Shadows
Saturday April 23rd 
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday April 24th
6:00 AM - Easter Sunrise Gathering
...after... - Breakfast follow Sunrise Service
9:00 AM - Easter Egg Hunt for children
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
Wednesday April 27th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study

May 1 - after Worship Gathering - Informational Meeting for 2011 Kids Week
May 9 - 6:30 Board meeting
May 15th "Picnic" theme potluck- weather permitting on the front lawn
July 25-29: Kids Week

Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.

April 14, 2011

1. This Sunday (April 17th)
2. Easter Tulips
3. Save the Date
4. Discernment & Prayer
5. Other Business

1. This Sunday (April 17th) - This Sunday is Palm Sunday: "Jesus in the Limelight", as we continue in our Ashes to Fire journey.  In addition, we will have our Annual Meeting and receive annual reports.  During worship, Sarah will be introducing a song that will be new to many called Hosanna.  After we worship, we'll gather for our monthly potluck.  This month, we'll celebrate the accomplishments of our 2011 graduates. There's no theme for this one - just a plain 'ole potluck - bring your favorite dish.  Finally, in the evening, plan on coming to the Easter musical at the Duxbury St. Paul's Church of the Nazarene (136 Summer St.), in which many from our church community are participating.

And don't forget our other Holy Week gatherings:
Monday: Way of the Cross Prayer Walk (at Bethel CotN, 41 Empire St.) drop in any time from 5:00-10:00 PM.
Wednesday: Community Dinner & Discussion (6:00-8:00 PM)
Friday: Good Friday Service of Shadows (7:00 PM) - you won't want to miss this reflective evening of visual and musical arts.
Sunday: Easter Sunrise Gathering (6:00 AM) with breakfast & egg hunt after.  Resurrection Celebration worship at normal time (10:30 AM).

2. Easter Tulips - On Resurrection Sunday (the first Sunday of Easter - April 24) we are hoping to make our sanctuary look beautiful for this wonderful feast day in the Christian church year. As part of this, we are together purchasing white tulips in 6" pots to be placed around the platform. If you can help out with this or would like to purchase one or more in memory of loved ones, please fill out this form.  Each tulip pot costs $6.50. Payment can be placed in the offering boxes (but be sure to specifically mark it). Please feel free to take the plants with you after we worship that day.  All orders need to placed before Sunday April 17th.

4.  Discernment & Prayer - I wanted to take a moment to specifically ask you to pray with me in these next seven days.  Starting tomorrow, Friday (April 15) through next Thursday (April 21), I have the opportunity to spend most of each of these days in prayer and discernment for our church community.  As I read again through our surveys from the Discernment Journey, search the scriptures, and walk in conversation and listening with the Lord, I will be seeking God's direction for our church.  With Meghan and the kids away in Maryland, I am thankful for this time to be able to do this.  But I'm asking that you pray for and with me.  I'd love to know about your solidarity with me.  Let me know!  (But understand that I likely will not be responding to texts, calls, etc. during this time.) I will look forward to being with you at our scheduled events of Holy Week.  Let's pray together.  - Pastor Jeremy

3. Save the Date (Mission to Mars) - We will be holding an informational meeting on May 1st to introduce our summer VBS.  Mission to Mars will take place during the week of July 25-29 from 6-8 PM.  Now's a good time to share this date with others!  Mission to MARS is "Meet A Risen Savior."  Check out the theme song here.

3. Other Business
Nursery (4/17): Ashley Duncan & Dana Parker

The Coming Week
Saturday April 16th 
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
4:00 PM- Game Night
Sunday April 17th
9:30 AM - Sunday School (adult & kids)
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering (And then Annual Meeting)
11:30 AM - Potluck (with Celebration for Graduates)
7:00 PM - Cantata Easter Musical at the St. Pauls Nazarene Church in Duxbury
Monday April 18th
5:00-10:00 PM - Way of the Cross Prayer Walk at Bethel Church of the Nazarene
Tuesday April 19th
6:00 PM Ladies' Craft Night
Wednesday April 20th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
Friday April 22nd
7:00 PM - Good Friday Service of Shadows
April 24th
6:00 AM - Easter Sunrise Gathering
...after... - Breakfast follow Sunrise Service
9:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt for children

May 1 - after Worship Gathering - Informational Meeting for 2011 Kids Week
May 9  6:30 Board meeting
July 25-29: Kids Week

Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.

SPECIAL EDITION: The Ardrey Update

As you will remember, Ryan Ardrey left us back in December to study at Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City.  He wanted to update the North Street Community as to how things are going for him:


Greetings from 1,478 miles away! I hope all of you are doing well. I wanted to send a little update about life in KC, and also thank everyone I didn't get to thank personally for the gift you sent away with me in December. Not having to make all of my ends meet financially has helped with the transition greatly.

Well, as month four greets me, I'm remembering that April comes in and goes out like a lion when you're a student. My classes have been going well so far even as I'm going through academic deja' vu all over the place. Almost immediately after I got out here, I got connected, through an NTS posting, with Dr. Neil Wiseman. Neil is a retired Nazarene pastor/mover-and-shaker in the church who has fairly advanced Parkinson's Disease. So I was hired as a caregiver for 15 hrs. a week. It's been a great job but I'm still in need of another job on the side to pay all the bills (and feed myself).

I'm living in an apartment with another seminarian and we're on a street with 15 other seminarians living on the same block (I get to be the lone East Coast guy). Once a week we all invade one of the apartments and eat dinner together.  There's definitely some cool people out here, but I'm not ring shopping or anything, for those who care about that stuff (or pretend not to). I've also made my first forays out in the basketball courts of KC so I can get my Great White Hope nickname back :)

After visiting all kinds of churches and meeting tons of people in Sunday School classes (and getting some free meals along the way), I've recently decided to attend KC First Church of the Nazarene. The pastors there have been really receptive and there are a variety of ways I could serve. It's way different than North St. but I'm aiming to bring some of the strengths of North St. to First church, even if it's like 10 times bigger (crazy I know).

I've been planning to make a trip back but I don't have any dates yet because my family is all over the place now. I'm not less sure about a May visit but I'll be in MA for my brothers wedding July 23.  I hope you know I'm praying for you all. Keep challenging and encouraging each other through the discernment process, and expect that God is going to compel you as a body to spread his kingdom in and through you.

Grace, peace and the three stooges :)


April 7, 2011

1. This Sunday (April 10th)
2. Shelter Space Needs
3. Potluck
4. Easter Tulips
5. Other Business

1. This Sunday (April 10th) - As we continue from Ashes to Fire, we'll look at the powerful chapter of John 11, Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.  Read all of our passages for Sunday here.  We'll also gather together for the last time with the Bethel Church of the Nazarene for the Remembrance.  It will again be at their place (41 Empire Street, Quincy) at our regular time: 6:14 PM.

2. Our Shelter Space - We are still collecting food to go towards a "food pounding" for our previous shelter guests as they have moved into an appointment in Dorchester!  This also means that we have great need to spruce up the shelter area for our next guests.  Lauren Scott and Herb Newell are overseeing the volunteers and detailed needs for this work.  Please contact Lauren or Herb if you are able to help in the next week.

3. Potluck -April 17th we fill be having a potluck to help celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates.  There's no theme for this one - just a plain 'ole potluck.

4. Easter Tulips- On Resurrection Sunday (the first Sunday of Easter - April 24) we are hoping to make our sanctuary look beautiful for this wonderful feast day in the Christian church year. As part of this, we are together purchasing white tulips in 6" pots to be placed around the platform. If you can help out with this or would like to purchase one or more in memory of loved ones, please fill out this form.  Each tulip pot costs $6.50. You can put the money in the offering boxes (but be sure to specifically mark it). Please feel free to take the plants with you after we worship that day.  All orders need to placed before Sunday April 17th.

5. Other Business
Nursery (4/10): Dorothy Newell

The Coming Week
Saturday April 9th 
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday April 10th
9:30 AM - Sunday School (adult & kids)
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
6:00 PM- The Remembrance at Bethel Church of the Nazarene (41 Empire St. Quincy, MA)
Monday April 11th
6:30 PM Ministries Committee & Facilities Committee
Wednesday April 13th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study

Upcoming Events:
April 16th- Game night starts at 4pm, if interested in pizza bring $5
April 17th- Potluck/celebration of graduates- after service
April 17th at 7pm Cantata Easter Music at the St. Pauls Nazarene Church in Duxbury
April 18th from 5:00-6:30 PM- Way of the Cross Prayer Walk at Bethel Church of the Nazarene
April 22nd at 7PM Good Friday, Service of Shadows Service
April 24th
  • 6AM Resurrection Sunday-Easter Sunrise
  • Breakfast follow Sunrise Service
  • 9:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt for children
May 9th at 6:30 Board meeting
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.

March 31, 2011

1. This Sunday (April 3rd)
2. Shelter Space Needs
3. Interfaith Social Service Walk
4. Other Business

1. This Sunday (April 3rd) -  As we continue in our Ashes to Fire journey this week, we come to John 9 and Jesus' healing of a blind man.  Jesus was often focusing on people that society generally did not.  When we see "Jesus in the Fringes," it's a call to us his people to find ourselves with them as well.  As you prepare for worship, read our passages and consider: Who are the people in the fringes, the periphery, or the outer edges of our society today?

There will be two newer songs introduced this Sunday.  Sarah has shared the following links so that you may preview them ahead of time: House of God, Jon Foreman & You Never Let Go, Matt Redman.  This week's Remembrance will take place outside at 5pm in front of Gardner Hall on the campus of Eastern Nazarene College.

2. Our Shelter Space - We are anticipating our current shelter guests to be moving out very soon.  They have found an apartment in Dorchester!  We would like to give them a food pounding at their new residence once they move in.  We need people to bring stuff in right now for this.

This also means that we have great need to spruce up the shelter area for our next guests.  Lauren Scott is overseeing the volunteers and detailed needs for this work.  Please contact her if you are able to help in the next week.

3. Interfaith Social Serices' Walk - South Shore Walk, benefits Interfaith Social Services' food, clothing, counseling, and financial ministry. Saturday, April 16, 2011, Pageant Field, Merrymount Pkwy, Quncy 11:30 a.m. registration, noon walk. for sponsor sheet visit Interfaith Social Services website or call 617 773 6203. First time on a Saturday!

4. Other Business
Nursery (4/3): Nadine Sa & Dawn Haskell
The Coming Week
Saturday April 2nd 
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday April 3rd
9:30 AM - Sunday School (adult & kids)
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
5:00 PM The Remembrance (Outside of Gardner Hall on the Eastern Nazarene College Campus)
Tuesday April 5th
6:00 PM ladies craft night
Wednesday April 6th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.