2. Mission to Mars
3. Response to Storms in the South
4. Other Reminders
4. Other Reminders
1. This Sunday (May 1) - With Resurrection Sunday behind us, we will continue in this season of Easter by looking at the rest of John 20. Remember: Ashes to Fire continues through Pentecost (June 12th this year), so keep reading your book! This Sunday we will look at Jesus' appearance to his followers in the locked room. This passage holds the infamous conversation with Thomas as well (come to Sunday School for good discussion about the relationship between faith & doubt). To prepare for worship, read our passages here. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

3. Response to Storms in the South - The Board of General Superintendents of the Church of the Nazarene have called for prayer and support for our brothers and sisters in the South affected by the devastating storms of this week. Read their plea here. As in the wake of most any disaster in the world, our Nazarene Disaster Response is already at work. You can support the work financially here. You can also always bring an offering in response and support to worship with you. Place it in an offering box, but be sure to mark it clearly. Ed DiSante also reminds us that there is need for money to ship Crisis Care Kits as well. Information about that is here. (It costs $12 to ship a box.)
4. Other Reminders:
Nursery (5/1): Dorothy Newell & Dawn Haskell
The Coming Week
The Coming Week
Saturday April 230th
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday May 1st
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
12:00 PM- Informational meeting for VBS
Tuesday May 3rd
6:00 PM- Ladies Craft Night
Wednesday May 4th
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday May 1st
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
12:00 PM- Informational meeting for VBS
Tuesday May 3rd
6:00 PM- Ladies Craft Night
Wednesday May 4th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
May 9 - 6:30 Board meeting
May 15th - "Picnic" theme potluck- weather permitting on the front lawn
July 25-29: Kids Week
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
May 9 - 6:30 Board meeting
May 15th - "Picnic" theme potluck- weather permitting on the front lawn
July 25-29: Kids Week
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.