Our week of conventions and assembly for the New England District Church of the Nazarene begins with tonight's NMI Opening Service (7:00 PM). For the rest of the schedule for the week, click here. All events are at the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene, 37 East Elm Avenue, Quincy (on the campus of ENC). Please keep the assembly particularly in prayer as we elect a new district superintendent.
Adult Sunday School
Teacher Ed DiSante just brought us through a great series and is beginning a new one on Acts to complement our worship gatherings. Click here to read the intro for this coming Sunday (9:30 AM).
Pentecost Sunday and the Season Following
We will finally begin the much-promised series on the book of Acts this coming Sunday. It is indeed Pentecost Sunday and everyone is invited to wear the color of the church: red. We will receive new members as well. Should be a good time!
The Remembrance this Summer
The Remembrance gathering will see a different schedule this summer. In general, we'll gather three times a month: 1st Sunday - "normal" at the church building; 3rd Sunday - "open air" at Nantasket Beach or Wompatuck State Park; 4th Sunday - "with others" celebrating communion with other Christians. We'll begin this coming Sunday by meeting at the Boston Common for the "Common Cathedral" communion service. It begins at 1:00, so you'll want to grab a quick lunch and get into Boston after our own worship gathering. They gather by the Brewer Fountain. (Perhaps you want to plan ahead and bring a bag lunch to picnic with on the common.) Stay tuned for more specific details on future Sundays.
Ladies' Night
Ladies Night will make a spectacular return this coming Tuesday (5/25). All ladies are invited to the Newell Gathering Room for a night of fellowship, creative handi-works, and coffee, etc. Begins at 6:00, but feel free to come when you can!

Read the website for details, but everyone is invited to join in on watching films and discussing them in light of our faith. This summer, we'll be reading through a book by Bryan Stone called Faith and Film: Theological Themes at the Cinema.
Kids Week 2010
...and don't forget to block off the week of August 9th-14th for Kids' Week! We have a great team from Eastern Nazarene College who will be helping us out, but we'll need your help, too. E-mail Ryan Ardrey with questions or to help out.
Know What's Happening & Calendar
Remember, check out our "Quick Updates" page if you're wondering what's happening in our community. Birthdays, prayer requests, and other little updates are posted here almost daily. As always, utilize our online calendar for information on coming events. Our whole softball schedule is up there, so be sure to check it out to come and play or just cheer along our team.