Here's what's in this update:
- Festival of Life Clean-Up
- Baptism (Potluck)
- 24 Hours That Changed the World
- Holy Week Gatherings
- Annual Meeting (w/ potluck)
- Community Garden
- Summer Kids' Week
- Quick Updates
1. Tomorrow, Saturday March 20th, we will be blessed with several teens who are in town for the annual Festival of Life coming to work around our church building, doing various spring clean-up projects, particularly around the shelter area. We'd love for you to join us as we clean up. The winds and rain of the past couple of weeks have done a number, so it's much needed! We'll be working between 1:00 and 5:00.
2. This Sunday (March 21st), we will be baptizing Brysen Parker Scott into the faith community. As part of this celebration, we will indeed have our "monthly" potluck after the worship gathering. There's no theme, really, just bring food enough to share!
3. We're well more than half-way through Lent and our 24 Hours That Changed the World emphasis. This Sunday we'll look at "The Torture and Humiliation of the King." Don't forget our Wednesday "Going Deeper" study as well at 7:00. We've been having some good discussion at these each week.

5. Our Annual Meeting Sunday is planned for the third Sunday of April (the 18th). We will also have potluck on that day.
6. Several have been talking about organizing a Community Vegetable Garden on the church grounds. If you are interested in this, please e-mail Pastor Jeremy. We're looking for someone to spearhead the effort and we need to get cracking if it's going to happen this year!
7. Plans are beginning to come together for our Summer Kids' Week with a team from Eastern Nazarene College. Plan now to help out: the dates are August 8-14.
8. Finally, just a reminder that we now have "Quick Updates" throughout the week which you can read or see in several places: follow our Twitter page, our Facebook page (you don't have to join Facebook to view it), or an RSS feed to follow in a "reader." These updates include prayer requests, exciting news about members of our community, articles of interest, and more. As always, you can see our online calendar for events as well.
Hope to see you soon!