Saturday (2/28)
Men's "Sponsored" Breakfast Fellowship - The last Saturday of every month is men's breakfast fellowship, but this month everyone's invited. The men will cook and serve so come out for
breakfast at 8:30 AM.
Work Day - After breakfast, we'll continue working on some projects throughout the church building. We'll likely get lunch together, so bring a couple of bucks for pizza or whatever else we decide on together.
Sunday (3/1)

Gathering to Worship - This Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent. Throughout Lent, we'll be hearing about the "story of
God" and how we are hardly just observers in the story, but active participants. On this first Sunday in Lent, we'll look at our Old Testament and Gospel passages, the stories within (God's covenant with Noah and Jesus' time in the wilderness).
In addition, come prepared to think about how you can use this season of Lent to draw nearer to God and to one another.

The Remembrance - Throughout the Sundays in Lent, we will again come together during the evening for the Remembrance, a reflective gathering of worship gathered around the table of Christ. We "officially" begin at 6:14 PM, but feel free to come by 6:00 to prepare for worship.
We hope to see you sometime this weekend!