The Kingdom of God is not of this World
Join us Sunday in worship (11:00 AM) as we look together at Philippians 2. We'll contrast the Kingdom of God with the kingdoms of this world.
The Lost Letters of Pergamum
We've already had one great conversation time in response to this novel. Since there were many more interested and who have read the book, we will have another discussion over it soon (stay tuned for details). For those who haven't read it...go for it!
As a reminder, we're reading this novel because during our Sunday morning worship gatherings on September 28th and October 19th & 26th, we'll be looking at Paul's letter to the followers of Christ in Philippi (AKA Philippians). The Lost Letters of Pergamum is a fictional yet well-described picture of what it was like for the early followers of Christ during the time of the Roman Empire.
Join us Sunday in worship (11:00 AM) as we look together at Philippians 2. We'll contrast the Kingdom of God with the kingdoms of this world.

We've already had one great conversation time in response to this novel. Since there were many more interested and who have read the book, we will have another discussion over it soon (stay tuned for details). For those who haven't read it...go for it!
As a reminder, we're reading this novel because during our Sunday morning worship gatherings on September 28th and October 19th & 26th, we'll be looking at Paul's letter to the followers of Christ in Philippi (AKA Philippians). The Lost Letters of Pergamum is a fictional yet well-described picture of what it was like for the early followers of Christ during the time of the Roman Empire.
Men's Breakfast
All men are invited to the Quincy IHOP this Saturday, September 27th at 8:30 AM.

On Sunday, October 5th, local churches of the Nazarene across the globe will be celebrating together the 100th birthday of the International Church of the Nazarene. Join us for our morning worship gathering (11:00 AM). Pastor Jeremy will be speaking about the name "Church of the Nazarene" as it relates to scripture, our denominational foundations, and our call as a local community today.
Then in the afternoon, churches from the New England District will be gathering in Quincy at the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene at 4:00 PM for a combined celebration time. The Eastern Nazarene College Gospel Choir will be singing and our District Superintendent, Dr. Jossie Owens will preach. There will be a time of fellowship afterward.

We're just a few weeks away from our Faith Promise weekend with Tom and Lauralee Nothstine. We've set a goal of $6000 for the 2008-2009 Faith Promise Year. Dinner will be at 6:30 PM on Saturday evening. The main meal will be provided, but you're invited to bring a dessert. The Nothstines will be speaking to us on Saturday evening and Sunday morning (during our worship gathering - 11:00 AM). The main meal will be provided, but you're invited to bring a dessert.
Women's Apple Picking & Baking
NOTE!!! The date for this event has changed. It will now be Saturday, October 25th.
...on the calendar
As always, keep up with the North Street community's happenings by using our online calendar.