Readings Romans
We've been enjoying together challenges and encouragement from Paul's letter to the church in Rome this summer. Last Sunday, I asked if others would join me in reading the letter in one sitting this week. Several of you agreed to. Thanks!
For those who weren't able to worship with us this past Sunday, here's what I'm asking:
I'd like you to consider reading Romans in one sitting this week. I know that we're reading it in parts in our community scripture way, but sometimes it is very helpful to read scripture in the whole.

I did it again this past week, and I was blown away again by what I read. Verses that I've memorized growing up took on new meaning in context of the whole letter. I was moved by the Spirit of God in the Word of God.
So I'm asking you if you'll commit to reading the whole book of Romans in one sitting. Depending on how you read, it may take you 15 or 20 minutes or it may take you over an hour. But one thing I don't want you to do is stop and go back and try and catch something you may have missed. Just keep reading it in one long flow.
And for those of you who do, let me know that you did and share some insights or things you noticed in reading it this way by e-mailing me.
Baptism & Membership
A number of people have spoken with me about baptism and/or membership at North Street. I imagine there may be more of you out there. Send me an e-mail if you would like to discuss the opportunity to be baptized, join North Street in local membership, if you have any about what any of it means.
Out of Town
The kids, Meghan, and I will be out of town for a short vacation with the Parker side of our family Wednesday through Monday. We'll be camping in Delaware. Rev. Melissa DeBono, a minister from our sister church at Quincy Bethel and staff for Friends of the Homeless, will be preaching.
Corporate Scripture Study
Tomorrow evening we will continue our study of Genesis at 7:00 in the Newell Gathering Room, looking at the story of Cain & Abel in chapter 4.
Our next co-ed softball game is not until July 3rd. But plan now to come out and play or watch then! All games are at Humphrey Field.
North Street Calendar
As always, you can see what's going on by using our online calendar.