New England District Church of the Nazarene NMI Convention & Assembly
The annual NED Missions Convention and Assembly begins tonight at 7:00 PM! All gatherings and meetings will be at the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene. There will be worship gatherings each evening (Wed-Fri) at 7:00, with a special communion service on Friday.
Pastor Jeremy's Ordination
As part of the NED District Assembly, there will be an ordination service on Saturday morning at 10:30 AM. Pastor Jeremy will be ordained into full ministry as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene. Everyone is invited to the service. There will be reception afterwards with light refreshments.
At 5:00 PM on Saturday evening, there will be a family and community celebration at Jeremy's parents' house New Hampshire. (The Scotts live at 51 Haverhill Rd. (Route 111), Windham, NH, about 45 minutes from Quincy. The house is on the left side of the road and is the driveway all the way to the right from the shared driveway. Click here for directions.)
Men's Breakfast Fellowship
Also this Saturday, all men are invited to our breakfast fellowship. This month, rather than meeting at the church building as usual, we'll gather at the IHOP in Quincy at 7:30 AM. The Finer Things Book Club
The Book Club will meet this coming Sunday at 7:00 PM at the home of Dana & Elise Parker (if Baby Hailey Parker has made an appearance before then, the book club will meet at Jason & Heidi Parker's).
Wednesday Evening Corporate Scripture Study
Due to the District Convention Service, there is no bible study this evening. We'll pick back up again next Wednesday.
North Street Calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with events on our online calendar.
Pentecost Sunday
We invite you to join us this Sunday. If we were to rank the Sundays of the Church Year in some kind of order of importance, this Sunday would likely fall short only to Resurrection Sunday (Easter). As we worship this Sunday, we'll remember the birth of the Christian Church and the gift God has given to the Church and everyone who is a part. Come and join us!
Wednesday Evening Scripture Study
In an effort to have more people join us, we are moving our weekly corporate scripture study to Wednesday evenings, still at 7:00. Beginning next Wednesday (May 14), our study will be on Genesis. Humans have always asked questions about the origins of everything. Christians (and other faiths) often seek "answers in Genesis". Debates abound about these answers. But more often than not today, perhaps people are asking the wrong questions. This summer, following after our community scripture way, we will look in depth at this first book of the Bible and seek to begin understanding together what it has for us as followers of Christ.
Friends of the Homeless Needs Our Help!
As you may know, the United States Postal Service conducts a canned food drive every year. Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore benefits from this drive and on Saturday (tomorrow!) we could use some help collecting, sorting, and organizing what comes in. If you can help, come to the church building around 12:30. We could use your help!
Women's Banquet
Just in case you have not yet heard, the women's banquet that was scheduled has been canceled.
North Street Calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with events on our online calendar.