Yesterday in our worship gathering, we listened to the last part of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s last speech. His words are particularly moving for us, knowing of his assassination the very next day. I thought I'd send out the video for you.
And I imagine that not all of us have actually listened to his whole "I Have A Dream" speech. Even if you have (or haven't), perhaps on this day you would take the 12 minutes or so to watch it: a message of reconciliation.
(You may need to visit the North St. News page to actually see these videos.)
May followers of Christ continue to seek the reconciliation of all peoples for whom Christ died.
North Street Update

On the first Sunday of January, we read the story of the magi visiting the Christ-child and we noted what happened when they "found Christ": 1. They were overwhelmed with joy, 2. They knelt down and worshiped him and 3. They opened of their treasures and gave in worship, concluding that giving is an act of worship.
This past Sunday, we read the account of Jesus' baptism and looked at how this was God's presentation of his only son to the world and for the world. Jesus is God's offering to us. And we asked ourselves: If God has given all that he has for us (his only Son), what then do we offer him? (All that we have!)

This coming Sunday, we'll be focused on Jesus as the "Lamb of God." As you prepare for worship, don't forget to read the scripture passages (click here for the "community scripture way" schedule), and ask yourself these questions: What does it mean for Jesus to be the "Lamb of God"? What exactly is the purpose for "sacrifice"? How do we make sacrifice God? ...for humanity? Am I being sacrificial in my life? We hope to worship with you on Sunday!
Here are some other things going on:

After we worship together, everyone is invited to stay and eat with one another. Our monthly potluck is returning, and this month everyone is invited to bring various kinds of soup. We're going to try an "all-soups" potluck. (Of course...desserts are always welcome.) And bring whatever goes along with your soup (crackers, bread, cheese, etc.).

Someone told us that there's a big game on Sunday. It doesn't begin until 3:00, so everyone who wants to watch is invited to stay after eating soup to watch the game. We'll have it on the big television and projected on the wall. And then of course, there's the bigger (biggest!) game coming up on February 3rd. Everyone is invited to watch that evening as well, this time at 6:00 PM. Though we all probably have our hopes, we'll gather to watch the super game regardless of who's playing. Bring snacks and drinks!

As they have for the past several years now, the Hingham & Hull Religious Leaders Association is again hosting an event to remember the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, January 21, 9:00 AM, at the Glastonbury Abbey Conference Center: THE CHILDREN’S THEATRE COMPANY OF GREATER BOSTON HONORS The Rev. Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. The Children's Theatre Company will perform an original script by local scriptwriter and CTC associate drama director, Stephen Hemingway, ‘The Dream and the Heroes.’ Created out of the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. himself, weaving in uplifting spirituals, and reenactments of the lives of great peacemakers in the past who have given their life for the elimination of prejudice, this performance is created to honor those who have given their lives and inspire us to a renewed dedication to unity. The Children's Theatre Company is not just coming to perform—they are asking us to step up, and help to make a difference. You're invited! Breakfast is at 9:00 (free for children, $5.00 suggested donation) with the performance beginning at 10:00.
The Remembrance
We want to let you know now about a new gathering to worship, beginning on Sunday evening, the first Sunday in Lent, February 10th called "The Remembrance". There will be more to come on this monthly gathering to worship...for now, would you pray with us as we plan for it?
T-Mobile Steeple Antennae
Many of you may remember that North Street Community Chapel has entered a contractual agreement with the company that owns T-Mobile regarding the company leasing space in our steeple and basement for personal wireless communications antennae. Though the opportunity still isn't a "lock", we are well into the process of attaining licenses and approvals by the various board of the town of Hingham and the state of Massachusetts, and are pleased with the process thus far. We'll keep you updated.

Just a few of us have tried out the new on-line discussion forum. Perhaps you'd like to see what's going on there:
North Street Community On-Line Discussion
Missional Work Day
Last June, a group from North Street went to New Orleans to help in the rebuilding efforts after Hurricane Katrina. This year, we're having another mission trip...but this time just a few miles north to Dorchester, MA. Mark your calendars now for the weekend of April 4-6. The details of the schedule are still being worked out, but Saturday (the 5th) will be the main work day. On the Sunday evening, we'll have a celebration and time of worship and fellowship with the church we're partnering with: Dorchester Immanuel Church of the Nazarene. Plan now to be a part of this exciting weekend!
Other stuff on the North Street Calendar
Don't forget about some of our regular gatherings:
- This coming Monday evening, January 21, all ladies are invited to Ladies' Craft Night in the Newell Gathering Room at 6:30 PM.
- All men are invited to the Men's Fellowship Breakfast on Saturday, January 26th at 8:00 AM.
- Some of us continue to meet every week for Corporate Prayer on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM. You're invited!
As always, you can keep up-to-date with North Street happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).
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