This Sunday is the eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. We'll mainly look at both the Old Testament and Gospel passages before us this week. Here are our scripture readings for Sunday:
Old Testament: Jeremiah 32:1-3a,6-15
Psalm: Psalm 91:1-6,14-16
Gospel: Luke 16:19-31
Epistle: 1 Timothy 6:6-19
Click here to read them.

This week, Sunday, September 30 we will receive together our Alabaster Offering. What's the point? Click here to read all about the Alabaster Offering and how it helps build church buildings, homes, hospitals and more across the world.
Faith Promise
Our second annual Faith Promise Weekend is quickly approaching! Beth Restrick will be speaking about her experience in Mozambique, as a demonstration to us to show how it is that monies from the World Evangelism Fund work in enabling the ministry of the Church across the world. Join us on Saturday evening, October 13 at 6:30 PM for a dinner (the main stuff will be provided, but feel free to bring a dessert!). Then join us again on Sunday morning, October 14 for our weekly worship gathering where we will have the opportunity to go above and beyond our regular giving for the year through Faith Promise giving. What's the point? Click here to read about Faith Promise.
Makes you think...
Perhaps you, like some of the rest of us, have talked recently around our prayer circles and dinner tables about various things going on around the world. Ya know, things that really matter that go a "bit" deeper than the latest celebrity DUI. Sometimes when we really look at the events of the world around us - especially in the poor areas of our world - it can get daunting and we wonder just what it is that we can do. How can we bring about God's righteousness and justice today? Just what is it when we talk about God's justice?
We need to at least begin by being aware. How can we know what to do if we're not aware of what's going on? If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'd ask that you begin here and read some stuff on various general issues going on in the world (particularly the AIDS epidemic):
Just a few Social Justice Issues

Here are some ways we can be praying for our community:
- Some of you have probably heard by now that Scott Newell was in the hospital early Sunday morning through Tuesday. After a number of complications stemming from difficulty breathing, he is back at home. Let's pray for both he and Dorothy as they shift some things around in home and life to help Scott as he progresses in these days.
- Deb Runion will continue to be in the hospital through at least the beginning of next week. Let's pray that she can come home!
- Neal Estey is doing pretty well. He has regained strength in the last few days which is important as his next round of chemotherapy is beginning on Monday. Let's continue to pray for him in these days.
- Some of you have met Terry Anne Pantous and her two boys. Terry has been dealing with the deteriorating health of her father over the last several months. He passed away on Wednesday evening. Let's pray for the whole Pantous family as they grieve in these days.
- Bobbi Colletti was able to leave the rehab center and go to be with her son Joe in Medford. She will likely be there for a number of weeks as she regains her strength. She misses us all and wanted to be sure to send her love to everyone. Let's keep her in prayer.
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).