Many of you have heard by now that Neal Estey is in Quincy Medical Center. The facts are that right now the doctors have identified a decent-sized tumor in his stomach and his body is struggling to produce blood. Results of tests to determine the nature of the tumor will likely come back on Wednesday. Neal, his parents, and the doctors are more anxious about the situation than another who would be in the situation due to a history in the family of cancer. It's a "prepare for the worst, hope for the best" situation medically-speaking...
...and prayerfully speaking. Let us pray for the Esteys in light of this situation, remembering the past and hoping for the future - that the Spirit of God would be close to them all throughout the process, regardless of where the results end up on the worst-best scale, and most of all, that the Creator would indeed intervene in the healing process. Pray also for Julie White as she supports him throughout.
Updates will be sent out as the facts are known.