Our worship gathering was spirit-filled yesterday as we reflected in scripture, song, and preaching about the "high places" along the walk that follows Christ. To listen to the spoken word, click here (it's 26.5 minutes long). You can also right-click on the link and choose "save link as" to download it to your computer to listen on your own media player.
As a response, the community was challenged to participate in "The 40 Days of Lent". A plan for Lent was handed out that includes daily scripture reading and other daily activities throughout the 4o days of Lent. The daily activities include aspects of fasting, acknowledgement (confession), prayer (corporate & individual), and reflection upon the cross and its sacrifice - both Christ's and ours.
Use the following links to read more about NSCC's journey this Lenten Season.
The 40 Days of Lent - Explanation - BEGIN HERE
Pamphlet that was handed out in worship
Schedule of Readings and Activities
A Brief History of Lent
The first activity is a time of self-commitment to the community and to the journey through Lent on Ash Wednesday evening, February 21. Anyone can come any time between 7:00 and 8:00 PM to the sanctuary to pray, reflect, and commit oneself to God and this journey.