North Street Currents: July 10, 2009

Well I believe that everyone from our community who headed down to Orlando, FL for the Church of the Nazarene's General Assembly is back. I shared some highlights and a summary of what transpired in Orlando this past Sunday, including pictures of our own Jessica & Rebecca Vandervort participating in the Children's Choir and Bible Quizzing. If you're interested, you can see more summaries, results, etc. than you really want at an unofficial website, For those of you who weren't able to be in Hingham on Sunday, we concluded that General Assembly is/was great (and good things happened!), but 99% of the work of the Kingdom happens in what we do locally. With that...

I want to invite you to come worship this Sunday as we begin a new series, American Idols. This series of sermons has been percolating for a couple of years now and it is not without much prayer, thought, and advice of mentors that I preach it. No, it's not about those singers on the Fox reality television show (though we will spend a week on the idol of "celebrity"!). Rather, we will be looking each week at various things within our American society that capture our attention to the detriment of Christ and his Kingdom.

In addition, we have re-commenced our weekly Sunday evening gathering around the communion table, The Remembrance. Come at 6:00 PM to sit and prepare for worship and we begin together at 6:14.

And lastly, after The Remembrance, we'll have a get together in the Newell Gathering Room to send off Karen & Chinier Bennett and David Restrick. All three would love to continue as a part of the North Street Community (and of course, in a big way, they will!), but the Bennetts are moving with family to North Carolina and as you know, David will be serving for a while in Africa. You're encouraged to bring some kind of light snack (chips, crackers, etc.) to share during this time of "good-bye." All three of them leave town on Wednesday.

As always, use the online calendar to keep up on what's going on.

See you tomorrow!