This weekend, even though we're "on retreat," we'll continue in our series: Holistic Stewardship: Doing Well With All That's in Our Care. This week, as we're all together in community on retreat, we'll hear about how we need to take care of each other, the Body of Christ, the saints.
And then next week, Sunday, February 22, we'll gather back as normal in Hingham for the last week of the series. Dr. Dick Fish will be sharing a testimonial-sermon on taking care of our finances & resources. In addition, everyone is invited and challenged to come back on Wednesday, March 4th (after Bible Study, so around 8:00 PM) for a Community Seminar on Personal Finance, led by Dick Fish. We will meet together for at least a couple of weeks. Dr. Fish has led personal finance classes and seminars dozens of times, challenging people to live under their means from the perspective of a follower of Christ, to be able to bless others around them. I am excited about this opportunity and I invite everyone, regardless of age, family, or financial status to come!
Lastly, as time moves quickly towards Lent, please plan now to come to worship on Wednesday evening, February 25th for our Ash Wednesday Gathering at 7:00 PM to kick off and begin the Lenten Season.
In Christ,
Pastor Jeremy